The Art of Architecture

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminister Fuller

Art and architecture have always been considered different forms of expression, one driven by emotion and the other by function. Architecture is the process of designing and constructing structures that serve a purpose. I tend to think of it as creating order. Art, however, is the emotional expression of order.

Architecture is not just about creating physical spaces, but is also about shaping social and cultural spaces. A building is an adaptive complex system that can evolve over time, responding to the needs of its inhabitants, providing us with spaces that facilitate our activities and shape our experiences. Architecture is not simply the act of building, it's the process of designing and creating spaces with intention and purpose. However, not all buildings can be considered architecture, only those that respond to the cultural and social needs of the people. Many buildings are merely commodified versions of architecture, stripped of the art and intention behind true architectural design.

While buildings serve functional purposes, architecture is concerned with more than just utility. It is an art form that considers how a structure interacts with the environment, the emotions it evokes, and the meaning it holds. Architecture expresses power and control over the environment. This is unique from art, which is rather can be considered a way of challenging that power and creating new possibilities. Art is more of a momentary expression of human emotion and experience. It is often created without the intention of serving a particular function or purpose, but rather as a way of expressing the self. Art is highly personal. Architecture is social.

Good design is functional, expressive, and based on nature. It should serve a purpose and should be designed to meet the needs of its users. It should communicate something about the people who built it and the time in which it was built. It should be in harmony with its surroundings and should reflect the beauty of nature.

Ultimately, whether we are creating art or architecture, we are engaging in a profound act of expression and shaping the world around us. We are declaring our presence in the world and our desire to make a meaningful contribution to it. Art and architecture offers new ways of seeing and being in the world that can leave us with more questions than answers.


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