Driven by curiosity and craft, Jonny’s practice is informed by a continuous search of form through drawing and design. Architecture's ultimate purpose is not to make life easier, but rather connect people to the built environment and encourage others to creatively think how to transform space and their own lives. Jonny challenges the fact that architects should produce a definite object, but rather create something open and incomplete as a way to inject spontaneity and unpredictability into the world. He is dedicated to making resilient buildings as a Certified Passive House Consultant and seeks an aesthetic that can emerge from the integration of painting, sculpture, and sustainable architecture. Jonny’s hope is to cultivate and inspire a culture of creativity and non-conformity through imagination and collaboration.
Jonny is a licensed architect based in San Francisco. He received his Masters of Architecture degree with an Emphasis in Interior Architecture from School of the Art Institute of Chicago and holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from The University of Michigan. Currently, he works at David Baker Architects. He has professional experience at the firms Jensen Architects, Interstice Architects, Kappe Architects, and also as a Branded Environments Designer at Perkins&Will in Chicago.